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                International Symposium on green refrigeration / heating technology and energy saving and emission reduction

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                On September 15, 2015, Xuemei company participated in the "30th anniversary of the conclusion of the Vienna Convention for the protection of the ozone layer and the International Symposium on September 16, 2015 international day for the protection of the ozone layer" and the International Symposium on green refrigeration / heating technology and energy conservation and emission reduction jointly organized by the foreign cooperation center for environmental protection of the Ministry of environmental protection, the United Nations Environment Programme, the national ozone layer protection leading group and the Ministry of environmental protection on September 15, 2015 。 Leaders from the Ministry of environmental protection, the Ministry of industry and information technology, the National Standardization Management Committee, the national energy conservation center, the center for foreign cooperation in environmental protection and the United Nations Environment Programme attended the meeting and delivered speeches. More than 200 representatives from relevant government departments, enterprises, industry associations, scientific research institutions and media attended the meeting.International Symposium on green refrigeration / heating technology and energy saving and emission reduction。

                At the meeting, 43 representatives from 26 project enterprises reported the implementation progress of their respective enterprises in three aspects of energy-saving product research and development, energy efficiency improvement goal completion and energy-saving publicity, and put forward good suggestions and demands on project publicity, technical training, and liaison mechanism. In addition, the experts from the project information center and the testing center introduced their respective work plans, and made in-depth exchanges with enterprise representatives on specific issues such as the design of information questionnaire, testing methods and time arrangement. They actively participated in the project implementation, research and development of energy-saving products, fulfilled the commitment of energy conservation and emission reduction, and encouraged them to make greater contributions to the progress of air conditioning industry and energy conservation and emission reduction. Experts and enterprise representatives from relevant fields at home and abroad were invited to discuss key technologies such as variable frequency air conditioning, HCFC refrigerant elimination, technology upgrading and energy efficiency standards of the air conditioning industry.

                This activity well publicized the concept of "civilization, economy, green and low carbon", expanded the influence of the project, enhanced the communication and understanding between the government, experts and enterprises, greatly improved the enthusiasm of enterprises to implement the project, and laid a solid foundation for the follow-up project activities such as information collection, product testing and technical training.

                As an invited project enterprise, Xuemei company also actively responded to the call of the conference. Our company actively participated in the project implementation, R & D and promotion of energy-saving products, fulfilled the commitment of energy-saving and emission reduction, developed new energy-saving and efficient carbon dioxide compressor with natural working medium and environmental protection and reliability.


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