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                Notice on the holiday of

                visits:26 addtime:2023-10-11 16:27:27

                2015 is the Chinese people

                The 70th anniversary of the victory of the Anti Japanese War and the world anti fascist war. In order to enable the people of the whole country to widely participate in the commemorative activities held by the Central Committee and various departments in various regions, in accordance with the notice of the general office of the State Council and in combination with the actual situation of our company, the notice on the holiday of Victory Day is arranged as follows:

                1、 From September 3 (Thursday) to 5 (Saturday), there are 3 days off. Among them, September 3 (Thursday) is victory day holiday, September 4 (Friday) is adjusted, and September 6 (Sunday) is adjusted to work.

                2、 During the holiday, please keep your desk clean and tidy and keep your personal belongings properly. Confirm to turn off all power on the seat before the holiday, and the person in charge of each department shall arrange to check the water, electricity, gas, etc. of the Department to ensure that there is no hidden danger.

                3、 In case of any emergency, the security department should make timely arrangements and make proper arrangements in case of any emergency.

                4、 According to the order, all production departments properly arrange personnel to work overtime for 4 and 5 days to ensure the timely delivery of orders. All production departments shall submit the list of overtime workers to the human resources department of the company before 10:00 a.m. on September 2, together with the contact information of the overtime workers.

                5、 Xuemei's managers timely inform all dealers and friends of Xuemei that they need to pay close attention to stock up. They will deliver the goods all day on September 2. Please call and inform each other!

                It is hereby notified!

                Human Resources Department of Xuemei company


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