婷婷中文字幕,亚洲性爱精品 日韩一二区,女人一区二区三区视频,国产各种曝光事件在线观看

                SINCE 1963

                Jiangsu Xuemei refrigeration equipment Co., Ltd

                Jiangsu Xuemei Refrigeration Equipment Co., Ltd. is a technology-based enterprise dedicated to the research and production of refrigeration equipment.

                For a long time, the company has always been adhering to the purpose of serving the society and returning to the harmonious development of the society, for customers to create value as their own duty, advancing with The Times, and strive to provide custom

                Xuemei strength
                • 1.5Billion

                  Annual output value

                • 680


                • 100

                  Product coverage countries and regions

                • 300

                  Honor certificates

                • 160thousand sq

                  Factory area

                Innovation Responsibility Service Value

                By doing good deeds for enterprises, bearing social responsibilities, and sincerely taking risks in society, Xuemei has entered a healthy track of rapid, sustained, and stable development, laying a solid foundation for achieving scientific and sustainable development, and promoting the development of China

                • Company culture

                  Continuous improvement of product quality, continuous optimization of service measures, customer satisfaction and corporate reputation has been rising year by year.

                • Growth process

                  For a long time, the company has always been adhering to the service of the society, the social return of the harmonious development purpose.


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