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                Xuemei company passed the provincial pressure vessel appraisal

                visits:36 addtime:2023-10-11 16:11:22

                On August 17 and 18, 2006, the Provincial Quality Supervision Bureau organized the pressure vessel appraisal experts to carry on the forensics appraisal appraisal appraisal to the pressure vessel manufacture qualification of Xuemei company, and passed smoothly. The passing of the review indicates that the production of pressure vessels of Xuemei company meets the requirements of standards and regulations, and the pressure vessels have become a new economic growth point of Xuemei company, which enhances the development potential of the enterprise.

                According to the regulations on safety supervision of special equipment issued by the State Council and the provincial people's government, the provincial review group is divided into three professional groups, namely, quality management, welding, inspection and inspection. It has successively reviewed the quality manual, management system and technical documents of Xuemei company, inspected the manufacturing workshop and relevant production sites, reviewed the product archives of pressure vessels and the quality system The relevant responsible engineers and operators in the company have carried out theoretical examination and operation skill assessment, and have carried out field measurement and inspection on the condenser, evaporator and liquid storage products provided by the company. After appraisal and review, the review group considers that the pressure vessel manufacturing equipment of Xuemei company is advanced and excellent, and has the pressure vessel manufacturing conditions of the applied category, variety and scope. The successful evaluation shows that the company's product design meets the standard and the product manufacturing meets the standard, which shows the further improvement of the comprehensive quality of the enterprise.


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