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                Invited by International Refrigeration Association -- Xuemei company will participate in the 27th International Refrigeration and air conditioning Exhibition

                visits:28 addtime:2023-10-11 16:11:39

                The 27th International Refrigeration and air conditioning exhibition was held in Nuremberg, Germany from October 18 to 20, 2006. Our company is invited to participate in the group.

                IKK exhibition is sponsored by vdkf, which is one of the three large-scale international refrigeration and air-conditioning exhibitions in the world. The exhibition will bring together the main refrigeration and air-conditioning equipment manufacturers from all over the world. It has a wide range of products and advanced technology, and is a grand gathering of international refrigeration and air-conditioning industry.

                Xuemei company is making careful preparations to achieve the purpose of mutual learning and technical exchange through the exhibition, so as to achieve a new breakthrough in the trade and technology between Xuemei and the world.


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