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                [technical analysis] causes of high surface temperature of water cooled condenser

                visits:42 addtime:2023-10-11 16:37:33

                n the working process of the refrigeration system, the temperature of the outer surface of the water-cooled stage condenser should be close to the normal temperature, and the hands should not feel hot. Once the surface temperature is too high, the cause should be found out and measures should be taken to eliminate this phenomenon.

                Generally speaking, the main cause of condenser temperature rise is the problem of cooling water. There are usually four kinds of feelings


                1) There is not enough cooling water and water pressure. The water-cooled condenser uses cooling water to take away the latent heat released during the condensation of refrigerant vapor. Therefore, the pressure of cooling water is not enough, the flow rate can not meet the rated requirements, and the heat dissipation capacity is limited, * which eventually causes the surface temperature of the condenser to rise.

                2) The cooling water temperature is too high, which is higher than the rated operating temperature (usually 32 ℃). The cooling water temperature in Vietnam, the smaller the cooling temperature difference of refrigerant, the smaller the heat transfer, the refrigerant can not be effectively cooled, and the surface temperature of condenser will rise


                3) The poor quality of cooling water leads to scaling on the inner wall of the cooling water pipe in the condenser, increasing the thermal resistance, affecting the heat exchange between refrigerant and cooling water, and reducing the heat transfer effect. This kind of fault often occurs in the equipment which has been used for a long time and has not been cleaned regularly. The solution is to remove scale.

                4) The inlet and outlet pipes of cooling water are installed incorrectly. The normal installation position is generally low inlet pipe position and high outlet pipe position

                "Low in, high out.". If the inlet pipe is set high, the cooling water can not be completely filled in the condenser, the heat transfer area will be smaller, and the refrigerant vapor can not be effectively condensed, which will make the surface temperature of the condenser rise.

                When the surface temperature of the condenser increases, it means that the condensation effect is recommended, and the cooling capacity of the system will decrease.


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