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                Su and Dian join hands to welcome guests in the South

                visits:30 addtime:2023-10-11 16:19:18

                In the late autumn of September, Kunming city is full of beautiful sunshine, brilliant mountain flowers, bees and butterflies flying, birds singing and flowers fragrant, which is a good school of southern spring city scenery. On September 27, the Kunming exhibition of famous and excellent products of Jiangsu Province was successfully held in Kunming International Convention and Exhibition Center. More than 200 famous and excellent enterprises and 150 famous brand products of Jiangsu Province participated in the exhibition. At 10 a.m. on the 27th, Qiu He, deputy secretary of Yunnan provincial Party committee, Gao Feng, vice governor of Yunnan Province and leaders at all levels of the provincial Party committee, accompanied by Shi Heping, vice governor of Jiangsu Province, inspected the Jiangsu Pavilion. The Jiangsu Exhibition Group firmly followed the spirit of thrift and industry of the central government. It did not hold the opening ceremony, did not publicize, did not entertain, reduced the scale of the exhibition, only selected some well-known enterprises in our province to participate in the exhibition. However, the far-reaching influence of Jiangsu famous brand products still attracted a large number of visitors to the exhibition. According to the requirements of the superior departments, our company actively participated in the meeting and prepared carefully, and provided free ice cream for the fair. As our company's booth suddenly advanced, it attracted a large number of guests to taste the ice cream. The scene was very hot. In order to live up to the love of Kunming people, the company's participants operated the ice cream machine and answered the visit at the same time Despite their hard work, they took a break from 8:30 a.m. to 12:00 a.m., which attracted people's attention and formed a beautiful scenery. The only regret is that the leaders of the Department and the provincial level who planned to visit the exhibition hall of our company wanted to stop at the booth of our company. However, due to a large number of personnel standing in the front row of the company's booth, the leading comrades had to change their ways. During this period, some leaders asked about the reasons. When they heard that it was the ice cream provided by Xuemei company, they could not help but say yes. The exhibition of Jiangsu products Wanlixing in Kunming closed on September 29.Su and Dian join hands to welcome guests in the SouthSu and Dian join hands to welcome guests in the South

                Over the years, the company's top management attaches great importance to product management and sales, and actively participates in various exhibitions and sales activities, especially the Jiangsu products Wanli travel activity. Efforts are made to promote enterprise products and enhance the company's popularity, which is well received by provincial and municipal leaders and the industry. Mr. Xia Zhenyu, chairman of the company, said well: "when the government sets up the stage, we must sing well.". At the same time, the company pays close attention to the enterprise management work, increases the capital investment, carries on the technical transformation, positively researches and develops the new product, in the product quality diligently, the enterprise has had the considerable development, has obtained the good performance, but we also must realize soberly, the company's development cannot do without the support of all aspects, cannot leave the staff's active creation, in today's In the later development process, the company must make joint efforts and make great contributions to make the company bigger and stronger and social progress.

                Su and Dian join hands to welcome guests in the SouthSu and Dian join hands to welcome guests in the South


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