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                Quality in my heart -- Xu Yongmei

                visits:21 addtime:2023-10-11 16:13:49

                As a quality inspector, I have been working for more than ten years in the ordinary post of compressor factory inspection. My personal experience has witnessed the continuous improvement of brand awareness and quality concept of employees after the company's restructuring in 2003, which has brought about the rapid development and growth of the company's performance and the subsequent growth of our employees' own income. The improvement of employee satisfaction promotes the quality concept of employees, and our enterprise has stepped into a good development track. In my personal work, I deeply realized that "quality is the life of an enterprise". This is not just an empty slogan, but a truth that determines the fate of our Xuemei brand and its employees! I deeply feel the great responsibility of their own work, feel the extraordinary in their own ordinary, I am more and more proud of their work, because Xuemei brand has been in my heart!

                My daily work is to carry out factory inspection for each assembled product on the compressor comprehensive factory performance test bench imported from Hitachi company of Japan: voltage rise and fall start; motor insulation, electrical strength, inter turn pulse test; no-load operation; air sports car with pressure and fluorine injection running for 2 h to test the compressor discharge, motor power and valve tightness Sealing test, etc. I have accumulated rich experience in data analysis and judgment in the process of testing one by one, and seriously ensure that every detail and every step are correctly implemented and accurately judged, and the factory test data of each compressor are recorded carefully. If any suspicious phenomenon is found, timely communicate with the workshop team staff, carefully check the quality hidden danger until the problem is completely eliminated to ensure the ex factory quality of Xuemei brand compressor. In order to ensure the reliability and accuracy of the test data, I carefully maintain the testing equipment in strict accordance with the regulations, conduct self calibration before operation, and regularly send it to the measurement department of the company for calibration. In the weekly quality group activity meeting, the leader also asked me to do the assembly quality summary analysis and put forward improvement suggestions. This makes me and the staff around me more and more feel that they are not just working with their hands and eyes, but working in the whole body and mind, shaping the brand of Xuemei with my heart!

                I know that "1% of our mistakes are defects of Xuemei brand for our God - users". I am fully aware of the importance of my own responsibility, and I dare not be slack. I am loyal to the enterprise, loyal to the Xuemei brand, pay attention to every detail of the quality and quality of Xuemei products, do a good job in the factory inspection of each compressor product, and build our Xuemei brand with my heart 。 I believe our Xuemei will be invincible in the market!


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